Command-line interface ====================== Summary ------- The command-line interface (CLI) is self-documenting. To begin, try:: rerobots help which will result in a message similar to the following .. highlight:: none :: usage: rerobots [-h] [-V] [-t FILE] {info,isready,addon-cam,addon-mistyproxy,addon-drive,list,search,wdinfo,launch,terminate,version,help} ... rerobots API command-line client positional arguments: {info,isready,addon-cam,addon-mistyproxy,addon-drive,list,search,wdinfo,launch,terminate,version,help} info print summary about instance. isready indicate whether instance is ready with exit code. addon-cam get image via add-on `cam` addon-mistyproxy get proxy URL via add-on `mistyproxy` addon-drive send motion commands via add-on `drive` list list all instances owned by this user. search search for matching deployments. empty query implies show all existing workspace deployments. wdinfo print summary about workspace deployment. launch launch instance from specified workspace deployment or type. if none is specified, then randomly select from those available. terminate terminate instance. version print version number and exit. help print this help message and exit optional arguments: -h, --help print this help message and exit -V, --version print version number and exit. -t FILE, --jwt FILE plaintext file containing API token; with this flag, the REROBOTS_API_TOKEN environment variable is ignored. Call ``help`` to learn more about commands, e.g., ``rerobots help info`` to learn usage of ``rerobots info``. To use an `API token `_, assign it to the environment variable ``REROBOTS_API_TOKEN``, or give it through a file named in the command-line switch ``-t``. .. _ssec:cli-example: Example ------- The following video demonstrates how to search for types of workspaces, request an instance, and finally terminate it. The same example is also presented below in text. Before beginning, `get an API token `_ (`from the Web UI `_). In this example, we assume that it is saved to a file named ``jwt.txt``. .. original video is hosted at .. raw:: html .. highlight:: none Search for workspace deployments:: $ rerobots search misty 2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf fixed_misty2 Get more information about one of them:: $ rerobots wdinfo 2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf { "id": "2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf", "type": "fixed_misty2", "type_version": 1, "supported_addons": [ "cam", "mistyproxy" ], "desc": "", "region": "us:cali", "icounter": 641, "created": "2019-11-18 22:23:57.433893", "queuelen": 0 } Notice that ``queuelen = 0``, i.e., this workspace deployment is available, and requests to instantiate from it now are likely to succeed. To do so, :: $ rerobots launch 2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec which will result in a secret key being written locally to the file ``key.pem``. This key should be used for ssh connections, e.g., with commands of the form ``ssh -i key.pem``. Get information about the new instance:: $ rerobots info f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec { "id": "f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec", "deployment": "2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf", "type": "fixed_misty2", "region": "us:cali", "starttime": "2020-05-23 02:05:20.311535", "rootuser": "scott", "fwd": { "ipv4": "", "port": 2210 }, "hostkeys": [ "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPd5tTJLAksiu3uTbGwkBKXFb00XyTPeef6tn/0AMFiRpomU5bArpJnT3SZKhN3kkdT3HvTQiN5/dexOCFWNGUE= root@newc59" ], "status": "READY" } Finally, terminate the instance:: $ rerobots terminate f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec